SIP Calculator - Calculate return on your investment

SIP Calculator is an online tool to calculate return on your weekly or monthly or quarterly SIP investment in a mutual fund. Sip Calculator Online gives you an estimate of your return.

Investment Amount is required

Expected Annual Returns is required

Investment Period is required

SIP Calculator

SIP Calculator is a tool which is used to calculate return on your Sip(Systematic Investment Plan). SIP is a type of investment offered by mutual fund companies. This is an effective way of compounding money over the years.

User can invest a fixed amount periodically in a mutual fund. It is a passive approach to earn compound money over the years without knowing anything about the market. Using this tool you can calculate the amount of gain you will get if you invest a certain amount of money periodically in a mutual fund.

This calculator lets you enter your weekly, monthly or quarterly periodic investment amount, total duration of your investment in years, your expected annual return and inflation rate. Using these three inputs from the user, it generates the amount (maturity amount) and the gain that you can expect in return from your mutual fund investments after all the regular payments.

Moreover, it also shows you the extended model of your investment.


What is SIP? The SIP Or System Metric Investment Plan gives you the opportunity of an investment scheme every month and allows you to put in the fund scheme of your choice. It can usually be started in an investment mutual fund.

1). Investment Amount(Rs.) - In this field you have to enter the amount that you want to invest per week or per month or per quarter in your SIP mutual fund.Let us suppose you want to invest 5000 per month.So what you have to do is enter 5000 in the Investment Amount field and select Monthly from the dropdown.

2).Investment Period(Years) - After entering the investment amount in the previous field that is the Investment Amount. In this field, you have to enter the duration for how many years you want to invest in your SIP mutual fund. Remember you have to enter the duration in years. Let us suppose you want to invest for 30 years. So what you have to do is enter 30 in the Investment Period field.

3).Expected Annual Return(%) - The value of this field is really critical. As nobody knows the exact value that you should enter here. The Expected Annual Return is the percentage value of interest that is applied to your total investment and according to that you will get the total expected amount after the completion of your SIP investment. The expected Annual return depends on the duration of your investment and in which SIP mutual fund you have invested. If your Investment Period is more then 25 years you can choose 15% as your Expected Annual Return. If your investment period is between 15-25 years, you can choose between 10-12% as your expected Annual Return. If your investment is less then 15 years, then you can choose between 5-10% as your Expected Annual Return. As we are investing for 30 years, let's enter 15 in the Expected Annual Return field.

4).Adjust for Inflation - Here we will select the No Inflation from the dropdown.

So here it is, how it looks like.

Click on Calculate to get the result.  


Here you can see that the:

SIP (System Matric Investment Plan) People search it a lot; there is a way to invest in a mutual fund in the world. You need to know about it. If you also want to earn 75 good returns, then we tell you how you can easily invest in SIPs, such investments have been made earlier. I have been investing in SIP since then, but there is not much to be said about its condition. lump sum sip calculator Here you are presenting an early SIP 2020-2021. You Can make assets

The grapgh gives all information which you will see it online

Sip calculator online

This table helps you too calculate your full data with easy steps Simple to use.

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Why start a SIP?

MDiscipline is very important in mutual fund investment. SIP maintains discipline. Also, in SIP, you can invest regularly in mutual funds, even if there is a sharp or slowdown in the stock market, if you have a fixed amount in a mutual fund every month. If you decide to make a deposit, then you have to take time for it. Second thing is that you take time to invest in Mizoram and the stock market becomes weak. sip calculator download is Kolar that your investment should not be lost and due to this, you defer the decision. This is the way you were saved in all these troubles. On a certain day, your favorite money makes me invest in your bank. sip calculator yearly The biggest thing is the benefit of compounding and If you invest in mutual funds for a long period and want to earn, then you still get time as long as you want and whenever you want, you can withdraw money. Joins

    What is the amount required to start a SIP?

  • best sip plans You can start with a minimum of ₹ 500 per month in a mutual fund,.
  • how to start sip investment which is also cheap and very easy.

How To use SIP Calculator?

Sip Calculator can use very easily. Just enter your value ad add your % amount and hit calculate button

  • Investment Amount(Rs.) : Enter you Investment Amount(Rs.): Value.
  • Then Add Investment Period (Years) With Your plain and what you need.
  • Expected Annual Returns (%) Add How much you want earn with your years add that in this form the payment % of Every ear.
  • Adjust for Inflation . If you think Yes Or no As per yor Sip Plain.

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